Keshav slept late on Friday 07/30 but slept through the night without waking up.
In the morning Keshav pooped after his breakfast. The poop was mushy smelly and had bits of carrots and veggies in them. Thereafter keshav pooped 2 more times all the time the poops were mushy and smelly. Were they yeasty poop? May be, i dont know what yeasty poops are.
Rochelle reports today that Keshav is not following or is not able to follow simple receptive instructions like clap hands, touch tummy, arms up etc...These are some of the skills that he learnt in ABA and is supposed to have mastered them. So, there is definitely some regression going on with his skills, attention, focus and over all performance in ABA. We went to a restaurant today and Keshav was well behaved(which he always is). Keshav learnt to hit a tiny baseball with his tiny baseball bat. He seems to enjoy this game and is appropriately playing the hitting the ball game with Rochelle and me. Today Saturday 07/31,Keshav also invited me over my leading me by the hand to do the TAP/BANG table routine. Since, it was saturday we gave Keshav Carc Cum Cuprum in the night. Keshav is no longer itiching his stomach where he seemed to have tiny bumps for the past few days.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Keshav did not want to brush his teeth in the morning.
Keshav's eye contact is getting worse day by day. Rochelle reports he has no eye contact with her. Keshav has no eye contact with me either. Keshav's eye contac with therapist has gotten worse.He does not acknowledge when i get back home from work. About a month back he would acknowledge and want to be picked when I got back home from work. Yesterday when he saw me he didnt even look at me.
Rochelle reports that his poop this morning was well formed.
Today Rochelle reported that he was actually not looking at the people at her work place and was just waiving "HI" because he was being prompted by Rochelle. He didnt care to look at the people he was waiving HI to. Rochelle also reports that he has been standing and putting pressure on his head way tooooo much in the morning today. His performance with the ABA therapist is not upto par as a month before.
Today was just OK. Keshav was easily distracted and required a very dense schedule of reinforcement for both active and mastered skills. Typically, we will do 4-5 trials (based on his performance/success with the targets) before delivering Keshav's reinforcer, but today we pulled back to 2-3 trials, which slowed the pace of our session a bit. Keshav continues to improve with his Object Imitation, requiring only 3 prompts/redirections for the entire stack of 25-30 objects! Keshav's sign for "bubbles" is also looking a lot better and he is only requiring arm placement to move his hand appropriately over his mouth. Great gains today also with the GMI target, "shake head 'no!'" His responses were very clear and concise by the end of the session! Good job!
Keshav's eye contact is getting worse day by day. Rochelle reports he has no eye contact with her. Keshav has no eye contact with me either. Keshav's eye contac with therapist has gotten worse.He does not acknowledge when i get back home from work. About a month back he would acknowledge and want to be picked when I got back home from work. Yesterday when he saw me he didnt even look at me.
Rochelle reports that his poop this morning was well formed.
Today Rochelle reported that he was actually not looking at the people at her work place and was just waiving "HI" because he was being prompted by Rochelle. He didnt care to look at the people he was waiving HI to. Rochelle also reports that he has been standing and putting pressure on his head way tooooo much in the morning today. His performance with the ABA therapist is not upto par as a month before.
Today was just OK. Keshav was easily distracted and required a very dense schedule of reinforcement for both active and mastered skills. Typically, we will do 4-5 trials (based on his performance/success with the targets) before delivering Keshav's reinforcer, but today we pulled back to 2-3 trials, which slowed the pace of our session a bit. Keshav continues to improve with his Object Imitation, requiring only 3 prompts/redirections for the entire stack of 25-30 objects! Keshav's sign for "bubbles" is also looking a lot better and he is only requiring arm placement to move his hand appropriately over his mouth. Great gains today also with the GMI target, "shake head 'no!'" His responses were very clear and concise by the end of the session! Good job!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Yesterday evening 07/28/2010 Keshav had a nap in the evening for 1.5 hrs, so he went to bed late at around 12:45PM. I had to rock him to sleep. According to Rochelle, he slept through the night and woke up by himself at around 8:15AM in the morning today. In the night yesterday Rochelle was able to brush his teeth. He did not oppose to brushing his teeth.
No ABA therapy today. Only speech therapy from Early Intervention.
Parent's Report
According to Rochelle who took Keshav to work today, Keshav smiled and waived hi to everyone at her work place. This is actually quite a development, as he never ever acknowledges strangers. We will have to watch whether this good social behavior persists or whether it was just by fluke and happened only once. We will see and keep tabs on this social behaviour.Correction: Just heard from Rochelle, that although he was waiving he was not actually looking at the person. No eye contact or interest in people.
Rochelle reported that yesterday 07/28/2010 and today Keshav was fine brushing his teeth again.
Rochelle also reported that Keshav pooped twice today. The first one was well formed. The second one was well formed/soft.
Keshav Oral sensory seems to be off the charts today. He was biting and mouthing everything that came his way. He was biting the pillow,mouthing the balls, mouthing the base ball bat and the bowling pins. He was also standing on his head on the couch.
No ABA therapy today. Only speech therapy from Early Intervention.
Parent's Report
According to Rochelle who took Keshav to work today, Keshav smiled and waived hi to everyone at her work place. This is actually quite a development, as he never ever acknowledges strangers. We will have to watch whether this good social behavior persists or whether it was just by fluke and happened only once. We will see and keep tabs on this social behaviour.Correction: Just heard from Rochelle, that although he was waiving he was not actually looking at the person. No eye contact or interest in people.
Rochelle reported that yesterday 07/28/2010 and today Keshav was fine brushing his teeth again.
Rochelle also reported that Keshav pooped twice today. The first one was well formed. The second one was well formed/soft.
Keshav Oral sensory seems to be off the charts today. He was biting and mouthing everything that came his way. He was biting the pillow,mouthing the balls, mouthing the base ball bat and the bowling pins. He was also standing on his head on the couch.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Yesterday night Keshav went to sleep at around 8:00PM. He was up at 12:30 AM and according to Rochelle's report did not go to sleep until 4:00 in the morning. This is not good. He did not take a nap whole day yesterday and should have slept through the night as he was quite tired.
ABA Therapist Note
Good day for Keshav! He continues to improve with his imitation skills and though we first introduce new skills at the table, once he is demostrating independence with the, we are now presenting the majority during play time away from the table! :) Keshav continues to amaze us with his acqusition of the movements with songs. Today, he went back and forth between Rochelle and I, requesting specific songs (in Keshav's way). When we began singing "Twinkle Twinkle" Keshav approached Rochelle, pushing her arms up as they would be to twinkle her fingers. Then, some time later, Keshav came over to me, grabbed my hand and held it up, pulling my fingers up. I said, "Three Little Ducks?" and Keshav began doing the first motion that he typically does for this song, "over the hills!" Often we are stopping, waiting for Keshav to follow along with the motions and he is manding, "more." I think we might be able to start incorporating the "music" mand into this activity as well! Per parent report, Keshav started school at Summit in Elgin on Monday and will be attending 3x per week (MTW). Rochelle told me that he was actually imitated his peers during play time!! She said that he watched a peer playing with cars and went over and joined him, independently staying with his peer, playing cars on the track! She also said that they had a water day yesterday (Tuesday) and though Keshav was a bit apprehensive about getting into the pool, once he saw one of his peers walk over to the pool and splash the water with his hands, Keshav did the same. Some time later, he imitated another peer, splashing the water with his feet! Given how Keshav struggled a bit with imitation when we first began working with him, I am ecstatic that he is imitating his peers in the natural environment!! Great job, Keshav!!
Parent's Report
According to Rochelle, Keshav has been mouthing everything at SUMMIT SCHOOL. His eye contact is very poor with the teachers at SUMMIT. He however pushed his chair during circle time or something and enjoys the songs at SUMMIT. I noticed that yesterday Keshav was more open to ride the wooden horse at our place. He is also more open and on his own goes in and out of the play tunnel that we set for him. When we first bought the play tunnel about 2 months back, he would not go inside it and had to coaxed with a reinforcer to go inside. This doesnt seem to be the case anymore.Keshav is still loosing his balance and still has an unusual gait.
ABA Therapist Note
Good day for Keshav! He continues to improve with his imitation skills and though we first introduce new skills at the table, once he is demostrating independence with the, we are now presenting the majority during play time away from the table! :) Keshav continues to amaze us with his acqusition of the movements with songs. Today, he went back and forth between Rochelle and I, requesting specific songs (in Keshav's way). When we began singing "Twinkle Twinkle" Keshav approached Rochelle, pushing her arms up as they would be to twinkle her fingers. Then, some time later, Keshav came over to me, grabbed my hand and held it up, pulling my fingers up. I said, "Three Little Ducks?" and Keshav began doing the first motion that he typically does for this song, "over the hills!" Often we are stopping, waiting for Keshav to follow along with the motions and he is manding, "more." I think we might be able to start incorporating the "music" mand into this activity as well! Per parent report, Keshav started school at Summit in Elgin on Monday and will be attending 3x per week (MTW). Rochelle told me that he was actually imitated his peers during play time!! She said that he watched a peer playing with cars and went over and joined him, independently staying with his peer, playing cars on the track! She also said that they had a water day yesterday (Tuesday) and though Keshav was a bit apprehensive about getting into the pool, once he saw one of his peers walk over to the pool and splash the water with his hands, Keshav did the same. Some time later, he imitated another peer, splashing the water with his feet! Given how Keshav struggled a bit with imitation when we first began working with him, I am ecstatic that he is imitating his peers in the natural environment!! Great job, Keshav!!
Parent's Report
According to Rochelle, Keshav has been mouthing everything at SUMMIT SCHOOL. His eye contact is very poor with the teachers at SUMMIT. He however pushed his chair during circle time or something and enjoys the songs at SUMMIT. I noticed that yesterday Keshav was more open to ride the wooden horse at our place. He is also more open and on his own goes in and out of the play tunnel that we set for him. When we first bought the play tunnel about 2 months back, he would not go inside it and had to coaxed with a reinforcer to go inside. This doesnt seem to be the case anymore.Keshav is still loosing his balance and still has an unusual gait.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Yesterday 07/26/2010, night we noticed that Keshav was standing on his head way too often as if to get some sensory input. He was doing that on the couch and he would do it every time he would get a chance to go on the couch. It has been 11 days yesterday since his last DTaP 10M clear. Last DTaP 10M clear was on 07/15/2010. If DTaP causes sensory issues then it should be noted that according to Drew's mom the height of a clear occurs at the 10thday. Also, he was requesting his mom for more and more head compression sensory input. Surprisingly since Sunday July 25th, 2010, Keshav has been more open to go on the swing at the park. He still has no language, no babbling, no sounds what so ever. He played the slide and box game with me with appropriate eye contact and expected me to do HAHAHAHAH routine. He led me by my fingers to come play the Slide and Box game with him. Yesterday Keshav also started SUMMIT SCHOOL. It should also be noted that since Saturday 07/24/2010 Keshav has been resisting brushing his teeth. He has had no problem whatsoever before to brush his teeth. He would be very much interested in brushing his teeth. For some reason, he does not want to brush his teeth anymore. Check for more updates in the following days.
Also, started MMR 30C clear on 07/26/2010
Very good day for Keshav! We introduced a number of new targets and Keshav's acquisition was very rapid! He really seems to have the concept for imitation now and his rate of mastery is quick for all targets for these programs! Keshav is demonstrating mastery of certain songs, so today we worked on "Wheels on the Bus." Keshav really enjoys this song and is highly motivated so I am hoping that he picks up the motions for this song as quickly as he has the others! Keshav also mastered 2D/3D matching! Today, we presented both 2D and 3D materials in a F012 with Keshav scoring 100%. Per parent report, yesterday Keshav actually took the 2D pictures and matched them with the corresponding item in the environment! Keshav continues to improve with Object Sorting, beginning immediately when given the instruction, "sort." He requires less prompts and again, generally needs to be redirected because he begins playing with the toys (stacking blocks, stacking pegs, etc.). Great tolerance to extended periods at the table today as well! Great job!
Rochelle just informed me that Keshav's teacher said that he did really well at the summit school. They played with water. At first Keshav was hesistant to play in the rubber pool of water. Keshav is kind of afraid of the water. He then saw a kid spalshing the water and he joined him in doing so. The other kid then stompped in the water and Keshav also did the same. He got wet and we are glad that he is what his mother termed as "imitated the other kid and stompped in the water".
Also, started MMR 30C clear on 07/26/2010
Very good day for Keshav! We introduced a number of new targets and Keshav's acquisition was very rapid! He really seems to have the concept for imitation now and his rate of mastery is quick for all targets for these programs! Keshav is demonstrating mastery of certain songs, so today we worked on "Wheels on the Bus." Keshav really enjoys this song and is highly motivated so I am hoping that he picks up the motions for this song as quickly as he has the others! Keshav also mastered 2D/3D matching! Today, we presented both 2D and 3D materials in a F012 with Keshav scoring 100%. Per parent report, yesterday Keshav actually took the 2D pictures and matched them with the corresponding item in the environment! Keshav continues to improve with Object Sorting, beginning immediately when given the instruction, "sort." He requires less prompts and again, generally needs to be redirected because he begins playing with the toys (stacking blocks, stacking pegs, etc.). Great tolerance to extended periods at the table today as well! Great job!
Rochelle just informed me that Keshav's teacher said that he did really well at the summit school. They played with water. At first Keshav was hesistant to play in the rubber pool of water. Keshav is kind of afraid of the water. He then saw a kid spalshing the water and he joined him in doing so. The other kid then stompped in the water and Keshav also did the same. He got wet and we are glad that he is what his mother termed as "imitated the other kid and stompped in the water".
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