Monday, December 20, 2010

Keshav got a bug and is throwing up

We took Keshav to the Spring Hill Mall play area on Saturday. Although he played quite well there, he was mouthing and licking playground equipment in the mall play area. He must have gotten some kind of bug there. On Sunday after lunch he threw up his entire lunch. He was gagging in the car because he was not able to get the stuff out of his mouth.
Today Monday 12/20/2010 he threw up all his breakfast. He is feeling weak and he went to sleep for a nap in the afternoon. Also woke up after half an hour and threw up his milk. Poor Keshav. We cant seem to get to do anything right for him. I feel bad for him and for us.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The cough is gone.

November was tough for us. Keshav had antibiotic for his cough. The doctor prescribed Amoxycillin with Pottasium Clavulanate to Keshav for his cough. Keshav was able to take the antibiotic for three days, after which he started doing projectile vomitting. A few minutes after eating anything he would just hurl and throw up everything he ate.We then called the doctor and the doctor told us to contunue with the antibiotic. We however stopped the antibiotic after giving it to Keshav for 3 days. On the fifth day after the first dose of the antibiotic Keshav got rashes all over his body including his face. This was something called as an amoxylin rash. Keshav was allergic to Amoxycillin/Penicillin.
It was really hard on Keshav as he was itchy all over and wasnt able to sleep for 3-4 days. Eventually after a week the rashes subsided. We did give him some benadryl.

The good thing about the entire ordeal was that the Strong Antibiotic did take care of Keshav's cough. Keshav has no cough as of now and is able to sleep without any spells of cough in the middle of the night.