Observation for Sunday 08/01/2010
Last night on saturday Keshav slept late because he had taken a solid 2.5 hr afternoon Nap on saturday afternoon. Sunday morning he woke up by himself around 11:00AM. According to Rochelle's report he did not wake up in the night and slept through the night, which is good.
After breakfast Keshav pooped and the poop was mushy/airy.
We went to walmart and Keshav had lunch/dinner at around 5:30PM. He pooped the second time and this time the poop was formed and not airy/mushy.
We went to the Park and Keshav was very much interested in seeing people swing and swinging himself. He kept asking(in his own way by holding on to his mother's leg) to get on the swing. Keshav enjoys being on the swing now-a-days. He still is having some issues walking outside in general and has aversion walking on the grass.
Keshav slept early at around 9:15PM on Sunday and according to Rochelle, slept through the night and woke up at 6AM Monday morning.
ABA Therapist's Note for Monday 08/02/2010
Good day! We had a little bit of a slow start, but Keshav made some great strides today! We tried presenting the three objects for Receptive Identification at one time (vs. presenting 1 with two number cards) because we thought Keshav might have been getting distracted by the numbers, which he finds reinforcing. He responded about the same, however, he was attending to the objects more and scanning the field! We will continue to present it this way for now. Keshav also demonstrated greater independence today with a new song, "Open, Shut Them" (a school song). Many of the motions are comparable to those in other songs or are actions that he has learned through our GMI program. He did a great job opening and shutting his hand after an initial partial prompt (like "Twinkle Twinkle") and imitating putting his hands in his lap. :) We also noticed today that when we prompted Keshav to jump (either in imitation or in RI, he became dependent upon the prompt, reaching out for us to pick him up when we presented the target again later on during the session. We waited him out a bit more and he was able to do it independently. Just something to watch for/keep on our radar for future consideration. Keshav is also demonstrating great eye-hand coordination with batting! Today, Rochelle held the small ball by its tag and Keshav hit the ball multiple times without even making contact with her hand! Keshav also responded independently to "Give me ball," during this activity, scanning the floor, picking up the ball and bringing it to Rochelle who was 5-7 feet away! Lastly, we noticed that Keshav is turning and looking in response to "Hello Keshav" sung as it is in his new classroom. So, we started interspersing this with just his name and Keshav was looking in response to his name being called at a much higher frequency than he has EVER!! Super exciting!!
Keshav has cracks/canker-sores on either side of his lips that Rochelle showed to me on Sunday(08/01/2010) morning. Dont know whether it is because of the MMR or residue of the DTaP 10M still coming out. Gave Sacchrum LM6 yesterday night before going to bed to Keshav.
Keshav pooped once today and the consistency was soft,though not mushy/airy. At Summit School Rochelle reports that Keshav did OK. Keshav took a half hour nap before school, not by choice. He slept in the car on the way to summit school and Rochelle had to wake him up because school starts at 2PM. He slept early today at 9PM and hopefully will sleep through the night.
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