Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Observations for Wednesday 08/11/2010
Keshav woke up at 7:00AM. According to Rochelle he just pooped once and it was soft and not mushy/airy. It was a lot though. This is good that he is going just once and taking care of business in one straight shot.
ABA therapist report
Great day for Keshav! He is really starting to pick up on new skills at a quicker rate, which is making us fly through all of his targets! Today he successful 80% of the time in identifying the "book" and "cup" for Receptive Identification! His responses are very clear and concise for this skill! Per parent report, Keshav had the opportunity to play with playdough at school and he was poking and rolling the playdough just as we have been during session! It's so great to hear that he continues to generalize skills into the natural environment! Also, today we tried non-identical 3D-3D and 3D-2D/2D-3D matching to he how he would do since he has long mastered identical matching. He was very successful with the 3D-3D matching, matching appropriately 100% of the time in a F07 at the table. He struggled a bit more with the 3D-2D/2D-3D matching, only responding correctly 50% of the time, but not bad for a new skill! Great job!
ABA Therapist evening session report
Keshav had a great session, he seemed a little sleepy but for the most part he worked well with all programs. Object Imitation and Object Imitation with discrimination was fantastic today! We incorporated 3d non-identical matching and Keshav did awesome! He got 6/8 correct. Manding was great for music, open, more and bubbles!! Is still not responding when name is called, and we need to prompt him a lot to point with his finger for preferred items. Overall, the session went well!

Rochelle reports that Keshav is still mouthing on objects a lot both at home and at school. Overall he is doing ok in school.No big new things happening with him.

Observations for tuesday 08/10/2010
Keshav went to sleep early last night 08/10/2010 around 8:30PM and woke up early this morning 08/11/2010 at around 7AM. According to Rochelle, he slept pretty well and slept through the night.Yesterday, tuesday i gave him the MMR 1M.
Rochelle reports that he did pretty well in SUMMIT School today. Keshav went to the mall playing area yesterday and went around independently, without playing on many of the equipment.
One thing to note is that for the past one month, Keshav does not acknowledge when he sees me or when i get back home from work. I clearly remember that up until first week of June he would be happy to see me when i got back home from work and would want to be picked up. This has changed now.
Yesterday 08/10/2010 Keshav pooped twice and the poops were soft and not mushy/airy. Rochelle let Keshav just play by himself all day today and did not do any ABA with him.

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