Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yesterday 07/26/2010, night we noticed that Keshav was standing on his head way too often as if to get some sensory input. He was doing that on the couch and he would do it every time he would get a chance to go on the couch. It has been 11 days yesterday since his last DTaP 10M clear. Last DTaP 10M clear was on 07/15/2010. If DTaP causes sensory issues then it should be noted that according to Drew's mom the height of a clear occurs at the 10thday. Also, he was requesting his mom for more and more head compression sensory input. Surprisingly since Sunday July 25th, 2010, Keshav has been more open to go on the swing at the park. He still has no language, no babbling, no sounds what so ever. He played the slide and box game with me with appropriate eye contact and expected me to do HAHAHAHAH routine. He led me by my fingers to come play the Slide and Box game with him. Yesterday Keshav also started SUMMIT SCHOOL. It should also be noted that since Saturday 07/24/2010 Keshav has been resisting brushing his teeth. He has had no problem whatsoever before to brush his teeth. He would be very much interested in brushing his teeth. For some reason, he does not want to brush his teeth anymore. Check for more updates in the following days.
Also, started MMR 30C clear on 07/26/2010

Very good day for Keshav! We introduced a number of new targets and Keshav's acquisition was very rapid! He really seems to have the concept for imitation now and his rate of mastery is quick for all targets for these programs! Keshav is demonstrating mastery of certain songs, so today we worked on "Wheels on the Bus." Keshav really enjoys this song and is highly motivated so I am hoping that he picks up the motions for this song as quickly as he has the others! Keshav also mastered 2D/3D matching! Today, we presented both 2D and 3D materials in a F012 with Keshav scoring 100%. Per parent report, yesterday Keshav actually took the 2D pictures and matched them with the corresponding item in the environment! Keshav continues to improve with Object Sorting, beginning immediately when given the instruction, "sort." He requires less prompts and again, generally needs to be redirected because he begins playing with the toys (stacking blocks, stacking pegs, etc.). Great tolerance to extended periods at the table today as well! Great job!

Rochelle just informed me that Keshav's teacher said that he did really well at the summit school. They played with water. At first Keshav was hesistant to play in the rubber pool of water. Keshav is kind of afraid of the water. He then saw a kid spalshing the water and he joined him in doing so. The other kid then stompped in the water and Keshav also did the same. He got wet and we are glad that he is what his mother termed as "imitated the other kid and stompped in the water".

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