Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yesterday Wednesday 08/04/2010, Rochelle reported that Keshav did not poop the entire day. Keshav slept early at 9PM as usual but kept waking up and had to be put back to sleep, probably because of discomfort. Rochelle doesnt know how Keshav performed in Summit School yesterday.
ABA Therapist Note for Wednesday 08/04/2010
Good day for Keshav! A bit of a slow start, but Keshav performed very well with his targets today! Keshav has also greatly improved with his sign for "bubbles." He had many more independent responses today. Also, Keshav's pointing to pop the bubbles also looks great! Keshav is also improving with Rec. ID. Today he correctly identified the cup 4/5 times presented! He also really seemed to acquire this concept by the end of the session, identifiying the last two trials for each target! Keshav also initiated play with the pillow on the couch with me again today! At one point, I stopped to see if he would approach me with the pillow to continue and he did! Great job!

Today, Thursday morning Keshav woke up early at 6:45AM, and pooped around 8:15. The stool was hard and he might be a little constipated. Rochelle reports that he pooped a second time and it was soft the second time.
I noticed that Keshav had a little bit of a runny nose when i got back home. As usual Keshav went to bed early at around 8:30PM.
ABA Therapy Notes
Keshav did fairly good with his performance maybe because it wasn't the usual time. I just thought I will do it after lunch and see how he would do. I guess nothing compares to a fresh morning start. Keshav was 0% on GMI "arms out", RI "touch nose" and "hands down." These are all new targets started though so will see how he will do next week. Object Imitation with descrimination was fine too... He gets distracted on spinning the bowl for "Bowl on Head" and "poke playdoh" his trying to mouth it. Play skills was ok, He is working on a new jigsaw puzzle so he needed some prompting. His object sorting is improving everyday though which he requires less prompting. Receptive Identification is also much better which he got 60%. Morgan, I don't think Keshav have mastered pretend sleep with baby. I just want to clarify that with you. Manding/Signs looks good but at times he still gets confuse and still have tendency to over generalized his signs. Saloni/Morgan, I was able to revisit his mastered targets with 2D & 3D matching and he forgot a little bit and got only 7/10. I also did picture matching which he did good and his scanning with the pictures are still great.

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